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Palace Casino Resort Website Design Project

Palace Casino Resort is Biloxi's only smoke-free casino. Their property features a unique atmosphere, gaming, hotel accommodations and view of the Biloxi Back Bay.

Creative Design

For A Better Casino Website Experience

The Palace Casino had not updated their website in a long time. Due to this, we had a lot of creative freedom to make a truly unique website and player portal. Thats right, we developed a fully customized player portal that directly integrates with their player management database.

Player portals are usually bland and hard to use, we fixed that.

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Palace Casino Resort


Biloxi, Mississippi


Website Design, Programming

Website Design

Palace Casino Resort website design
Palace Casino Resort website design restaurant placement and design



Palace Casino Resort website design custom promotions display

Hotel Reservations

Palace Casino Resort website design hotel booking integration
Palace Casino Resort Find Your Place banner design

Palace Casino Resort Find Your Place hotel
Palace Casino Resort Find Your Place casino
Palace Casino Resort Find Your Place promotions
Palace Casino Resort Find Your Place dining
Palace Casino Resort Find Your Place spa
Palace Casino Resort Find Your Place golf
Player Portal Palace Casino Resort casino player portal website design and implementation
Palace Casino Resort Biloxi's Only Smoke Free Casino design

Biloxi's Only

Palace Casino Resort boasts being the only casino that is 100% smoke-free in Biloxi. They promote a healthier, happier, cleaner, and fresher experience for guests who want to avoid smoke-filled resorts.

Graphic Design

Palace Casino Resort golf course detail design
Palace Casino Resort blog and news website design

Custom Blog / News Outlet


ADDY Awards Silver, Palace Casino Website

How We Did

120% Increase in
Visitors Per Day

100% Mobile

85% Increase in
Hotel Bookings Online