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Published On: February 13, 2017
Author: Esteban Selva-Castillo

How Often Should You Post To Social Media?

The world of social media can be noisy. Sticking to a consistent posting schedule will help grow your audience and increase brand awareness.

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Best times for posting on social media, image of three time clocks

Social media is a powerful marketing platform for businesses, big or small. Having a business profile over multiple outlets and staying active daily is a necessity in 2017.

Every outlet has their own personalities that should be respected for the best results. In this article, I will be discussing Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. If you are just getting started, or have established profiles, here are some tips on how often you should post to certain social media outlets for the best results.


Recommended Posting: 1-2 times per day
80% Valuable Posts, 20% Promotional Posts

Facebook, hands down, is a powerhouse. There are more active users on Facebook during the time of this article than any other platform. Facebook has its own posting pace which should be respected, or you will appear as spam and will immediately lose credibility with your audience.

I would recommend the 80/20 Rule. This means 80% of posts should provide value to your audience. This is content they enjoy seeing which sparks positive emotion and promotes engagement. 20% of your posts should be promotional. You want to keep these posts around 20% to prevent coming off as irrelevant spam.


Recommended Posting: 5-20 times per day, 2-4 Retweets per day
80% Valuable Posts, 20% Promotional Posts

Twitter is… LOUD. There are hundreds of thousands of conversations going on at once, so at times it may seem like everything you post is for nothing. 5-20 posts per day, accompanied with relevant hashtags, will get your foot in the door to a variety of conversations. The more consistent you are, the more people will recognize and engage with your brand.

Retweeting and replying to posts is also important. When you Retweet a post, it lets the user know that you appreciated their content enough to share it with your audience. Retweeting 2-4 times a day (depending on how many times you choose to post per day) will encourage engagement and build relationships.


Recommended Posting: 1-2 times per day
80% Valuable Posts, 20% Promotional Posts

Instagram is a lot like Facebook in the amounts of posting per day, but Instagram tends to have some flexibility. You can effectively post 10 or 20 times per day and see amazing results, but you will have to consistently post at that rate to keep the ball rolling. The minute you drop from 10 posts a day to 1, you will see a dramatic decrease in engagement.

I would recommend starting off with 1 post a day and accompany the post with at least 11 relevant hashtags. You should also like other posts, engage and comment frequently to build relationships and stand out to other users who are casually browsing.


Recommended Posting: 1 post per day

LinkedIn is strictly professional. This shouldn’t be an outlet that becomes “loud” with random posts. Business professionals get on LinkedIn to read valuable content and build business-to-business relationships. This is a perfect outlet to promote your blog and spread any kind of knowledge you have related to your line of work. Not only will this inform others that you know what you are talking about, it also increases the chances of businesses reaching out to you.

Consistency is Key

The world of social media can be noisy at times. By posting quality content and sticking to the recommended posting rates, you will begin growing your audience and brand awareness.

If you are interested in learning more about how this topic can help your business, please contact our agency on our contact page or call us at 1-888-964-4991. We publish a new article once or twice per month so make sure to follow us on social media and allow for push notifications if you want to stay in the loop with our agency and digital marketing.

Posted In: Business, Ideas, Information, Marketing, Social Media